The Polarization of Achernar

"The Nature and Evolution of Disks Around Hot Stars"
East Tennessee State University, July 2004

Conference Proceedings

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Slide Show
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Slide 1  : Title Page

Slide 2  : Abstract

Slide 3  : New ESO K-band interferometry

Slide 4  : A truly distorted star?

Slide 5  : Implications

Slide 6  : Polarimetric observations of Achernar (original sources)

Slide 7  : 1995 multiwavelength campaign

Slide 8  : Conventional view

Slide 9  : Problems

Slide 10:  Doubts about VLTI results

Slide 11:  Polarization and rotational distortion

Limber Observatory - P.O. Box 63599 - Pipe Creek TX 78063
Maintained by David McDavid - last update: 16 June 2013.