David McDavid

Email:  mcdavid@limber.org
Phone: (830) 510-4320
   Limber Observatory
   PO Box 63599
   Pipe Creek TX 78063
[IMAGE: portrait]

Curriculum Vitae
B.S., Physics, Stanford University, 1972
M.A., Astronomy, University of Virginia, 1977
Teaching Associate, University of Texas at San Antonio, 1977-1993
Guest Observer, McDonald Observatory, 1984-1993
Ph.D., Astronomy, University of Amsterdam, 2001
Research Associate, University of Virginia, 2002-2006
Research Scientist, University of Virginia, 2006-2012
Presently: Here and there, now and then.

Research Interests
Stellar Polarimetry
Be Stars

Work in Progress
The Polarization of Achernar
The Upper Main Sequence of the Open Cluster NGC 2169

Favorite Science Quote
"We now find ourselves in the beautiful position of having developed a machine so powerful that we can just stand back and pile up our profits."
... Melvin Schwartz, in Principles of Electrodynamics
I am one of the many fortunate astronomers who have had the privilege of helping to maintain the 1-m telescope and its instrumentation at the University of Virginia Fan Mountain Observatory. My favorite research interest is precision optical polarimetry of early emission line stars: massive hot stars that spin so rapidly they are practically flying apart, making their outer atmospheres unstable in very mysterious and unpredictable ways. For fun I enjoy playing the saxophone with a wacky assortment of rhythm 'n blues musicians around Charlottesville and San Antonio.

Comparing the Sun and a rapidly rotating B-type star (Regulus), according to recent interferometry from CHARA.

Monte Carlo simulations of the limb polarization produced by electron scattering in the extended atmosphere of a rotationally distorted early-type star.

Selected Recent Papers and Preprints

Properties and nature of Be stars. 26. Long-term and orbital changes of ζ Tauri
Ruždjak, D., Božić, H., Harmanec, P. et al. 2010, A&A, 506, 1319

Towards an understanding of the Of?p star HD 191612: optical spectroscopy
Howarth, I.D., Walborn, N.R., Lennon, D.J. et al. 2007, MNRAS, 381, 433

A Study of pi Aquarii during a Quasi-normal Star Phase: Refined Fundamental Parameters and Evidence for Binarity
Bjorkman, K.S., Miroshnichenko, A.S., McDavid, D., and Pogrosheva, T.M. 2002, ApJ, 573, 812

On the polarimetric variability of bright O-type stars
Clarke, D., McDavid, D., Smith, R.A., and Henrichs, H.F. 2002, A&A, 383, 580

A Useful Approximation for Computing the Continuum Polarization of Be Stars
McDavid, David 2001, ApJ, 553, 1027

Multicolor Polarimetry of Selected Be Stars: 1995-1998
McDavid, David 1999, PASP, 111, 494

More publications...

Limber Observatory - P.O. Box 63599 - Pipe Creek TX 78063
Maintained by David McDavid - last update: 05 July 2024.